Portuguese Short Stories for Beginners: Improve Your Reading and Listening Skills in Portuguese

Portuguese Short Stories for Beginners: Improve Your Reading and Listening Skills in Portuguese

Price:- $4.99

Product Summery

30 Portuguese Short Stories for Complete Beginners

One of the smartest ways to improve fluency is to listen to stories in your chosen language. Finding appropriate literature can be tough when you’re just starting out, but this collection of 30 short stories is a fun and entertaining way of learning Portuguese vocabulary and grammar. Each story is short, making them very quick listens that won’t overwhelm you. Crafted for beginners, these stories are ideal for newcomers who are trying to approach fluency in a natural way. 

Rapidly Learn New Vocabulary 

These stories will help you learn how Portuguese is commonly written and conveyed with natural dialogues and expressions. Following each story is a list of interesting words used in the story along with an English translation. No more reaching for a Portuguese-to-English dictionary when encountering uncommon words. 

Grasp the Grammar 

Each story has a mixture of simple dialogue and descriptive sentences. This allows you to pick up how sentences are commonly written along with how to describe scenery, objects, and people, giving you an overall and detailed way of understanding the written language. 

Reading and Listening Skills 

Each story is only 300 words, giving you an engaging yet simple story that you can listen to quickly. The stories are narrated by a native Portuguese speaker and a native English speaker, ensuring every inflection is correct. 

If you want to improve your fluency as quickly and naturally as possible, then this audiobook is ideal.

As supplementary material, a PDF document comes with the purchase of the audiobook. You can follow along to the text in both Portuguese and English as you listen to the audio.