Yale University...
Physics - Video...
Ramamurti Shankar...
Physics (Video)...
Physics (Audio)...
Physics World Stories Podcast...
Physics World...
Modern Physics: The Theoretical Minimum - Quantum Mechanics...
Stanford Continuing Studies Program...
Fundamentals of Physics, II - Video...
Ramamurti Shankar...
Theoretical Physics - From Outer Space to Plasma...
Oxford University...
Physics 50 Lectures @ SJSU...
Peter Beyersdorf...
Modern Physics: The Theoretical Minimum - Einstein's Theory...
Stanford Continuing Studies Program...
Modern Physics: The Theoretical Minimum - Classical Mechanics...
Stanford Continuing Studies Program...
Modern Physics: General Theory of Relativity (Fall 2012)...
Stanford Continuing Studies...
Modern Physics: The Theoretical Minimum - Cosmology...
Stanford Continuing Studies Program...
Physics World Weekly Podcast...
Physics World...
Thermal and Statistical Physics...
Prof. Carlson...
Modern Physics: The Theoretical Minimum - Special Relativity...
Stanford Continuing Studies Program...
Physics Frontiers...
Jim Rantschler...
New Revolutions in Particle Physics: Basic Concepts...
Stanford Continuing Studies Program...
Modern Physics: The Theoretical Minimum - Statistical Mechanics...
Stanford Continuing Studies Program...
New Revolutions in Particle Physics: The Standard Model...
Stanford Continuing Studies Program...
Kabbalah & Physics...
Modern Physics: Classical Mechanics (Fall 2011)...
Leonard Susskind...
Modern Physics: Cosmology (Winter 2013)...
Stanford Continuing Studies...
Math & Physics Podcast...
Parker Levesque, Rayhan Walia...
Modern Physics: Special Relativity (Spring 2012)...
Stanford Continuing Studies Program...
Modern Theoretical Physics (Spring 2007)...
Stanford Continuing Studies Program...
Alexandria Crow...
Fundamentals of Physics, II - Audio...
Ramamurti Shankar...
The APsolute RecAP: Physics 1 Edition...
Ryan McDowell, Melanie Kingett...
Physics 50 example problems...
Peter Beyersdorf...
Solid State Physics...
Prof. Carlson...
Saint Mary's University Physics...
Oxford Physics Public Lectures...
Oxford University...
Oxford Physics Academic Lectures...
Oxford University...
Oxford Physics Short Talks and Introductions...
Oxford University...
Modern Physics: Statistical Mechanics (Spring 2013)...
Stanford Continuing Studies...
Physics 208...
Peter Beyersdorf...
FOSS Physics of Sound Science Stories Audio Stories...
Lawrence Hall of Science...
The Physics Study Group...
Hoo Designs...
STS: Physics of Electricity...
The Hyperfine Physics Podcast...
Derek Padilla and Zak Espley...
MCMP – Philosophy of Physics...
MCMP Team...
Arapahoe High School Physics Podcasts...
Jeff Smith...
Theoretical Physics Schools (ASC)...
The Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics (ASC)...
Basic Physics 101...
Gabrielle Magid...
Special Topics in Calamity Physics...
Marisha Pessl...
Oxford Physics Public Lectures...
Oxford University...
The Field Guide to Particle Physics...
Sean Downes...
Smith's AP Physics B @ Arapahoe...
Mathematics and Physics of the Holographic Principle...
Cambridge University...
physics - meaghersclasses...
Richard Meagher...
Lectures on the Geometric Anatomy of Theoretical Physics 2013/2014 (SD 640)...
Dr. Frederic P. Schuller...
The Physics Teaching Podcast...
Thomas W-P and Robin Griffiths...
Oxford Physics Short Talks and Introductions...
Oxford University...
VCE Physics Podcast...
VCE Physics...
Radiotherapy and its Physics - for iPod/iPhone...
The Open University...
VCE Physics unit 1 and 2...
Physics by Aristotle (384 BCE - 322 BCE)...
Physics PapaPodcasts...
Radiotherapy and its Physics - for iPad/Mac/PC...
The Open University...
The Physics of Fine-Tuning...
Oxford University...
AP Physics - Study by Seneca...
Seneca Learning...
Physics Alive...
Brad Moser...
Radiology Physics Core Review...
Mohammad Halaibeh MD...
[Audio] Colloquium on Graphene Physics and Devices...
Joerg Appenzeller...
Jiggle Physics...
Jiggle Physics...
Mathematics and Physics of Anderson Localization: 50 Years After...
Cambridge University...
Initial Conditions: A Physics History Podcast...
Niels Bohr Library & Archives...
REVISE GCSE Physics - A podcast by Seneca Learning...
Seneca Learning...
Lectures on the Geometric Anatomy of Theoretical Physics 2013/2014 (Audio)...
Dr. Frederic P. Schuller...
[Audio] Metamaterials: A New Paradigm of Physics and Engineering...
Vladimir M. Shalaev...
Mr Mallon's Physics Site Podcast...
Yogeshwari -...
Physics and Astronomy...
University of Glasgow...
Physics Experiments - HD...
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München...
The Ockham Lecture - The Merton College Physics Lecture...
Oxford University...
Lux & Flux: The History and Philosophy of Physics Podcast...
Teagan Phillips...
Applied Physics and Instrumentation...
Physics Experiments - SD...
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München...
Everyday Science...
PSD Channel 10 and Little Shop of Physics...
Optics - Physics PapaPodcasts...
Rajendra Kumar Sharma...
Veena Suresh Babu...
[Audio] Physics of Nanoscale MOSFETs...
Mark Lundstrom...
P Yogeshwari...
Beyond the Physics...
Joseph Guzman...
Alex Falkenhagen...
Get Your Physics On...
John D. Solis, Ph.D....
[Audio] Colloquium on Graphene Physics and Devices...
Joerg Appenzeller...
[Audio] Colloquium on Graphene Physics and Devices...
Joerg Appenzeller...
Rowland Physics Blog...
Anchala Kumari...
VCE Physics Unit 3: Structures and Materials...
Rachael Barker...
TCD Physics Student Podcast...
a group of physics students from Trinity College Dublin, each at varyi...
sunil kumar c p...
Plan A Primary: Physics and Equipment...
Plan A Primary...
The Physics Engine podcast...
Physics Engine...
Spiritual Physics hosted by Alessandra Morassutti Reg. Homeopath....
ThatChannel Studios...
Institute for Advanced Physics: Conversations to Understand Our World with Dr. Anthony Rizzi...
Institute for Advanced Physics: Unofficial...
[Audio] Metamaterials: A New Paradigm of Physics and Engineering...
Vladimir M. Shalaev...
[Audio] Physics of Nanoscale MOSFETs...
Mark Lundstrom...
Physics Rules...
Physics Rules...
High School Physics - Study by Seneca...
Seneca Learning...
A-level Physics Revision Bites...
PHYS1121/1131 Physics 1A...
Michael Burton...
New Books in Physics and Chemistry...
New Books Network...
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München...
Radio Physics...
Emily Taylor , Sam Smart...
This Is Physics...
Physics Magazine...
The physics milkshake...
The Juggernaut...